May 14, 2012

Working with Ideate Explorer for Revit 2013

With the new release of Revit 2013, Ideate has been right there updating its software too. The new Ideate Explorer for Revit 2013 can be used to browse through elements in the entire project, in the active view, or through the current selection, to select individual elements, elements by type, or family. Additionally, a search window can be used to find elements in your project that contain specific text in their name.

You can use Ideate Explorer for Revit to Quickly Find and Select the Elements You Need:
  • Ideate Explorer for Revit will catalog or “index” all the elements within your project, including elements not found within the Project Browser and elements that are invisible.
  • Information can be organized by Category, Workset, Room, Space or Level. Use the text-based search to dig into Family Name, Type Name, Part Materials, or any Text string for even more complex searching.
  • Use Ideate Explorer for Revit to open views where elements are visible.
  • Use Ideate Explorer for Revit to select all or some elements based on your criteria then exit and use Revit to make the changes you need such as: delete elements, swap elements for different types, edit element properties.
With the introduction of Parts in Revit 2012, these type of elements can be divided, and their materials changed. Use Ideate Explorer for Revit to search for parts that are using a named material, so that you can make property changes.

One change that has been beneficial to me is the ability of placing the Ideate Explorer tool in the Quick Access Toolbar. To do so, right-click the Ideate Explorer tool in the Add-Ins tab, and add it to the Quick Access toolbar. This tool will now remain in the toolbar regardless of whether you close Revit, or open a new Project. So now, Ideate Explorer for Revit is right at your finger tips!

Download your free trial today.

Ron Palma
AEC Solutions Application Specialist

Ron has 23+ years of experience in the AEC industry as a designer, lead project designer, trainer and CAD manager. His instructional background includes Autodesk Certified Instructor, trainer, support technician, educator at Portland Community College and Clackamas Community College, and a U.S. Army certified instructor. Follow Ron @RonPalmaAEC.

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